Miller's play about immigration and family values has come to be regarded by many as a masterpiece of modern theatre. The story revolves around Eddie, a longshoreman in the New York docklands of the 1950s. Estranged from his wife, Beatrice, and enamoured of his niece, Catherine, Eddie struggles throughout the play with the emotions that will ultimately destroy him. His unhealthy occupation with Catherine comes to a head with the arrival of two illegal immigrants, the brothers, Marco and Rodolfo. These two Italians, cousins of Beatrice, take shelter with Eddie and his family and there is an instant attraction between Rodolfo and Catherine. Torn by jealousy and an overwhelming hatred of Rodolfo, Eddie finally betrays the two brothers to the authorities and seals his own fate. Alfieri, the lawyer, acts as narrator throughout the play and attempts to both comment upon, and make sense of, the personal tragedies unfolding onstage.
Rehearsal Photographs: