Sisterly Feelings offers Bath and Cornish audiences the chance to see not one, but four, versions of a classic Ayckbourn comedy. The play is so crafted that at the end of Scenes 1 and 2 actors make choice determined, firstly, by the toss of a coin and secondly by the whim of an actress. The choices, random or contrived, will enable audiences to follow different stories on different days. On Friday 19th June and Thursday 2nd July the performances will be random, with no one knowing which acts lie ahead!
The action of the play centres on the lives of two sisters: Abigail and Dorcas. Abigail is struggling with an unsatisfactory marriage to an upwardly mobile businessman: Patrick, whilst Dorcas is involved with a less than inspiring boyfriend: Stafford. Into the sisters' lives comes bronzed, athletic Simon who appears the epitome of each sister's innermost desire. A tussle between the two sisters as to which one of them can 'win' Simon provides moments of hilarious Ayckbourn comedy, whilst the more serious implications of modern relationships are not overlooked.
The entire action of Sisterly Feelings is set on Pendon Common. The Minack Theatre provides the ideal setting for the open-air action with kite flying, picnics, camping and cross-country runs enabling all facets of its stage to be explored. Audiences will be intrigued to see if the play's demands for 'torrential' downpours, or night-time scenes are perfectly timed to coincide with Cornish weather and sunsets!
Next Stage is delighted to have been invited to try out the prestigious Minack Theatre, but also very grateful to all its loyal Bath supporters for having the chance to try out audience reactions on home territory and in the dry!
Rehearsal Photographs: