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Frozen by Bryony Lavery

It’s strong stuff and in the sure hands of Next Stage Theatre Company it made for powerful drama.
— Toby Boyd, Bath Chronicle

One sunny evening 10 year old Rhona goes missing. Her mother, Nancy, retreats into a state of frozen hope.

Agnetha, an American academic, comes to England escaping from a doomed love affair and researching a thesis entitled "Serial Killing: A Forgivable Act?"

Then there's Ralph, a loner with a bit of previous, who's looking for some distraction...

Drawn together by horrific circumstances, these three embark on a long dark journey which finally curved upwards into the light.

Three of Next Stage's finest actors bring this masterful, award-winning play to The Mission Theatre. Performed in the round, this is a play that everyone should see, and no one will forget.


Rehearsal Photographs: